AS EN-9100

AS9100 is the quality systems aerospace model for quality assurance in design, development, production, installation and servicing. It was developed using the ISO 9001 standard. It builds upon requirements to produce a globally harmonized standard that meets the requirements of aerospace companies worldwide. AS 9100 was the first standard available for use across the global aerospace community, adding the requirements necessary to address both civil and military aviation and aerospace needs.

Benefits of AS EN-9100:

  • Reduce the risk product or service mistakes and fatal failures
  • Demonstrate effective quality management to achieve a license to trade
  • Get a listing in the Online Supplier Information System (OASIS) database
  • Become a preferred supplier and gain customer and stakeholder trust
  • Continually improve and win international growth opportunities

Essentials of AS EN-9100:

  • Identify the existing processes in the system
  • Determine the sequence and interaction of those processes
  • Observe, Measure, Monitor and analyze those processes
  • Implement actions to achieve continual improvement