ISO 27001

ISO 27001 (formally known as ISO/IEC 27001:2005) is a specification for an information security management system (ISMS). An ISMS is a framework of policies and procedures that includes all legal, physical and technical controls involved in an organization’s information risk management processes.

According to its documentation, ISO 27001 was developed to “provide a model for establishing, implementing, operating, monitoring, reviewing, maintaining and improving an information security management system.

Benefits of ISO 27001:

  • Secures your information in all its forms.
  • Increases resilience to cyber-attacks.
  • Provides a centrally managed framework.
  • Offers organization-wide protection.
  • Helps respond to evolving security threats.
  • Reduces costs associated with information security.
  • Protects confidentiality, availability and integrity of data.
  • Improves company culture.


Essentials of ISO 27001:

  • Examine and control policies and procedures in order to minimize risk threats before they happen.
  • Manage the after effect of a data threat.
  • Ensure staff are educated on risks as well as accidental and malicious data leaks.
  • Manage how data is accessed.

Demonstrate that you meet international standards of information security best-practice.