Occupational, Health and Safety Training

No matter how small or large a company is, workers in all fields of industry face workplace dangers that can threaten their health and safety. In some industries, such as in the mining and oil industries, the dangers can be evident: exposure to harmful chemicals, fires, explosions and breakdown of machinery are just some of the health risk that workers in these fields face every single working day. For other fields of business, however, the dangers may not be as obvious: working in an office or a restaurant may seem harmless, but poor ergonomics, food contamination and psychological stress can also cause health problems that can hamper productivity. Because hazards are present in all types of industries, it’s essential for companies to provide health and safety training for their workers and to update this knowledge on a regular basis.

# Course Title Description Duration (days)
1. ISO 45001:2018 Awareness Training This training will provide you with an overview of the purpose and requirements of ISO 45001:2018 for occupational health and safety. 1
2. ISO 45001:20 18 Internal Auditor Training ISO 45001:2018 Internal Auditor Training  – develop the skills to conduct and compile internal audits. 2
3. Introduction to First Aid and CPR Training This course will focus on the first aid basics, medical emergencies for some health problems, different types of injuries. This involves identifying, understanding and addressing appropriate first aid care for a person through technique of CPR and AED. Students will learn and differentiate between different signs and symptoms related to any emergency situation. They will also gain practical experience by applying the knowledge gained and demonstrating practices during the practices training in laboratory time planning to better understand. 1
4. Injury Prevention at Workplace This course will focus on different areas of workplace injuries relating to stepping, handling, lifting and office ergonomics. The purpose of the course is to sharpen your ability to spot ergonomic hazards and gain an understanding of the ergonomic procedures that fit into the overall occupational health and safety management system of an organization.


5. HSE Induction and Risk Management HSE induction course is designed for companies who wish to brief all employees on the basic fundamentals regarding health and safety in the workplace. HSE induction course facilitates baseline knowledge of health and safety in the working environment. It creates awareness and reduces injuries in the workplace 1
6. Behavior Based Safety Behavior Based Safety is a program designed to influence employee actions toward safer outcomes, ideally by preventing an accident or injury before it occurs. Implementing a behavior based safety program is the most comprehensive way for companies to promote safety, eliminate hazards and prevent injuries.. 1
7. Emergency and Crisis Management Emergency and Crisis Management course offers participants the basics in identifying, preventing, and controlling emergency and crisis situations. Crisis management basics, from preparation to training and compliance are discussed, as are various stages of a crisis, and the need to establish a crisis management team. 2
8. Control of Work Place Hazards The Purpose of this course is to provide guidance for the best way to Control the Hazards at our Work Place and spread the knowledge of the effectiveness of the control measures. 3